West Mifflin, PA
I cannot accept walk-ins or last minute appointments, and calling/texting/emailing to schedule your appointment at least one week in advance is highly recommended.
Cancelation Policy
I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In my desire to be effective and fair to ALL clients, the following policies are in effect:
24 hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give me 24 hours advance notice you may be charged, at my discretion, 50% of the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.
(For example, if your regular appointment fee is $75.00, you may be charged $38.00.)
Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forego their appointment for whatever reason without canceling will be considered a “no-show.” Appointment reminders will be sent via phone or email the day before, or early the day of, at the latest, your scheduled appointment. All clients are given the courtesy of one initial no-show at no charge. From then on, they will be charged the full amount for any “missed” appointments that have not been canceled ahead of time. Three "no-shows" will be grounds for not being scheduled for any further appointments solely at my discretion.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, I will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a session. Regardless of the length of the session actually given, you will be responsible for the full amount of the session. Out of respect and consideration for your therapist and other clients, please plan accordingly and be on time.
A Note About Cell Phones
Due to the increased use of cell phones in general, and some specific experiences in particular, please turn your cell phone off or at least place it on "vibrate" or "silent" mode before starting your session, and under NO circumstances will cell phones be permitted anywhere on the massage table during a session for both safety and liability reasons. Your cooperation with this policy is greatly appreciated (and you'll enjoy your session that much more). Medical devices which are either attached to you, or need to be in close proximity, are the exception.
If You Are Sick or Just Not Feeling Well...
It is greatly appreciated if you reschedule your appointment if you are either sick or just not feeling well, even if no other symptoms are presenting. (If you aren't positive you are sick, but just don't feel "right", please err on the side of caution and reschedule.) I would certainly extend that same courtesy to you. If you arrive for your appointment and have outright symptoms, you WILL be rescheduled.
Hands of Life Massage Therapy looks forward to serving you!